Benefits of Ride-on Vehicles for Kids

Child developmental psychologists recommend choosing toys for kids that support the development of motor, social, emotional and cognitive skills. One of the best toys is a battery-operated ride-on (aka powered wheels). Beep-beeps provides a variety of ride-ons for kids 1-10 years old, all of which provide a range of benefits....

Toy Rental is the Way to Play

You may have noticed that toy sharing is gaining traction–at brick and mortar businesses like an indoor playground or online via a toy rental service. From one-time rentals to party or membership services, toy rental is gaining popularity. Kids can try different toys With toy rental, your kid(s) won’t be...

Assembling a Ride-on Toy: 42 Avoidable Steps

I need this to be easier. I need a babysitter. I’m sweating.” Toy assembly is underway, friends. I feel almost guilty perched nearby, legs kicked up on a bench and a glass of pinot grigio in hand, while my husband hauls 60 lbs of parts out of a giant box....